Thursday, May 31, 2012


Every Weds & Thurs
3pm to 9pm
Speaker: Dr. Froilan Teruel (Doctor of Natural Medicine )

Live blood analysis, or Lightfield Microscopy, is a gentle process where a drop of your blood is viewed under a special high powered microscope. Living components of your blood are projected via video camera to a television monitor where you will witness your internal state of health. The live blood analysis is a valuable tool in recognizing early warning signs of imbalance and illness caused by stress, inactivity, metabolic issues, and poor nutrition.
Through the blood quality analysis we can show you the effects of past lifestyle choices on your current state of health.

It is important to understand that we are not diagnosing specific conditions. Diagnosis by its nature defines disease states by symptoms and specific bio-medical lab markers. The power of live blood analysis lies in its ability to highlight possible nutritional and systemic imbalances that generally occur prior to the onset of more serious chronic health conditions.
We also use the live blood analysis to track an existing condition and monitor your healing process. With regular quarterly check-ups you are able to see how your customized Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) are helping move you towards optimal health.

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